Campion's Upcoming Dentist and Fashion Icon

Shantay is a proud campionite who intends on pursuing a degree in dentistry in the future. She is currently in grade thirteen 13; therefore, she is currently preparing for her final CXC CAPE exams. After successfully passing this hurdle in her life, she plans to study abroad in Germany or the United Kingdom. During our discussion, she mentioned that if she does not pursue her passion for dentistry, she would most likely seek a degree in biotechnical engineering. Along with these goals, she has also found time to join a variety of groups and societies. Some of which include the debating society, Key Club, and Medic Club. Outside of the academic setting, this soon-to-be influential young lady enjoys modeling, fashion, beauty, self-care, and nature outside of school and volunteering. Therefore, meet Shantay, a student with a big dream. Shantay has been a Dream Jamaica participant for the past two years. During her time participating, she was a member of our college preparation cohort. In that time, she was given the opportunity to work on a variety of assignments such as cover letters and resumes, along with being taught by some of Jamaica's most influential people. Further into our discussion, Shantay spoke about Dream Jamaica's influence on her life. She noted that as a result of her involvement with Dream Jamaica, she was able to be more open-minded, focused, organized, and learnt the importance of setting goals for herself. Through this, she was able to choose her desired job path with the support of her mentors and consistent encouragement. In the next five to ten years, she hopes to be in Paris, Millan, on a runway while still doing dentistry. She also hopes that during this period she is able to continue growing while being well off for herself.